Friends of Stogumber Station (FOSS
If you would like to set up a new membership then you can do so easily online (click here) or by completing a leaflet which can be obtained from the station.
Membership renewals 2023
2022 was an excellent year on the WSR with the support of our members and we saw many visitors at the station.
Many details, with pictures, of the work done at the station are on this website
so we will just summarise the details here.
The treasurer reports that in 2022 we made a profit of about £4000 and we have continued with maintenance and project work. We are grateful that WSR repaired the tarmac drive to the station in 2021.
The cattle dock was opened during the Spring Gala in 2022.
We are grateful to RAMS for rebuilding the two main gates and renovating the large luggage trolley. Both were in position in the spring of 2022.
We are continuing to secure the fabric of the lineside hut by making the pre-cast concrete frame stronger and providing a new external door and frame.
Work on the garden continues as we remove much of the overgrown bank to reveal more ground!
Our workshop has been improved with a larger bench and more tools.
Membership for 2023 is now due.
There are 3 ways that you can renew your membership:
Renew online by visiting
Make a payment directly to us using the details below (please ensure you include your name in the reference)
Sort Code 30 62 63
Account 13145768
Account Name Friends of Stogumber Station - (FOSS)
Send a cheque payable to ‘Friends of Stogumber Station’ to: The Treasurer, Friends of Stogumber Station, Stogumber, Taunton TA4 3TR
If your details have changed then please email us at