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Something in the water at Stogumber?

There must be something in the water at Stoggy, as we now congratulate volunteer Shirl Turner and her partner Andy who have just become engaged! They will marry sometime next year and have their reception at Stogumber. Congrats to them both, and we look forward to the wedding photos!

Big congratulations to Steve and Jill on the occasion of their marriage on Saturday

After their wedding at Taunton Registry Office, they were transported by Andrew Grabham and his Austin 7 suitably decked out, to Stogumber Station, where Jill and Steve are regular volunteers, for their reception.

The guests were treated to a wonderful buffet lunch, masterminded by Jen Preston and Jean Hilton and aided by many others. The weather could not make up its mind all day, one minute sunny, the next raining, but with us all under the station Gazebo's we stayed dry!

Thanks also to the WSR for really making not only Steve and Jills' day perfect but the guests also. A steam charter from London was headed up by two of our Manors, and we were treated to superb whistling right through the station both on the outward and return to Minehead!! Thank you!!

A big big thank you to all the Stogumber volunteers who rolled up their sleeves both before, during and after to ensure this fabulous couple, loved by us all, had a super day with wonderful memories.

More pics on the Facebook page!

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